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Payment and invoicing

We pay employees and contractors for each calendar month by the 10th of the following month (or next business day) if we have received your invoice/ timesheet by the 5th.  Read the following information about:

  • Recording hours worked
  • How Team Members are paid
  • Invoicing guidelines (contractors only)


Recording hours worked

We ask all team members to record hours worked in the manner requested, either on a spreadsheet or provided online app. You will be invited when you have completed your registration form.


How Team Members are Paid

If you are a Company Contractor or Individual Contractor you are required to submit an invoice to Advanced Human Technologies, or for Bondi Innovation.


Please ensure that you have the following information on your invoice:

  • Name of Individual or Company  
  • ABN if applicable
  • Total hours worked
  • Total amount
  • GST (if applicable)
  • Bank account details


NOTE: Please attach a pdf download of your timesheet with hours worked.


Address your invoice to:

Advanced Human Technologies Pty Ltd

ABN: 68 079 504 886


Bondi Innovation Alliance Pty Ltd

ABN: 86 637 007 642 

Here is a sample invoice that you could use to invoice AHT. 


Methods of payment 

Australia-based team members

Australian-based employees and contractors are paid to the bank account provided on the Onboarding Form. 


Note: It is the team member’s responsibility to advise AHT if there are changes to their nominated bank account.


Current Priority Roles