Welcome on board

Fantastic to have you as part of the team!

Before you get started please read the principles that guide how we work.  

Evolving relationship

At AHT Group jobs are not highly defined boxes, we want to get the best from everyone. When team members join, we don’t know where we will get to. It is a trial on both sides, to see whether it works and how we can make it work as well as possible. We are likely to try people in multiple types of projects and tasks to assess their capabilities, and don’t expect they will excel at everything. We will work together to find the highest value ways for you to be part of our ventures. 

Project protocols

We have established platforms and clearly defined project protocols. It is a basic expectation that all team members work within our platforms and protocols, so that we can work effectively as a distributed team.

Shape the model

At the same time, we expect everyone to help us improve what we do and how we do it. AHT Group is an experiment in the value models of the future, and your role is to help us shape it so it is successful, and a pleasure to be part of.

Performance teams 

We create value as a team. That is far harder with a distributed part-time team than in traditional organisations. We use our processes as a basis for enabling distributed projects to work well. It is always your responsibility to ensure that your communication and action help the team to achieve its objectives. 

Optimal resource allocation

We have a diverse team based in Bondi and globally, including a distributed team of specialists. For all projects and tasks you should consider who is the best person to do the work, considering expertise, cost, and the effort in communication and coordination. You should only do tasks where you are the best person possible to do them. Your role is to collaborate closely with other team members for the best possible outcomes. 


The only way a distributed part-time team can function is that everyone is reliable. This doesn’t mean that we expect you to respond immediately to everything. Our simple expectation is that if you cannot respond reasonably promptly to requests, do tasks that are assigned to you or task schedules cannot be met, you let us know promptly, in which case that will be fine. Proactive communication on any changes in your status is essential.

Honest communication

We believe deeply in honest communication. The best way to get to awesome collaboration and outcomes is to share frankly what you want from the relationship and how you are feeling about it. Let us know early if you have concerns or you’re thinking of changes. If you are working here we respect you, want the best for you and will always communicate clearly about what is happening.

Current Priority Roles