We pay employees and contractors for each calendar month by the 10th of the following month (or next business day) if we have received your invoice/ timesheet by the 5th. Read the following information about:
- Recording hours worked
- How Team Members are paid
- Invoicing guidelines (contractors only)
Recording hours worked
We ask all team members to record hours worked in the manner requested, either on a spreadsheet or provided online app. You will be invited when you have completed your registration form.
How Team Members are Paid
If you are a Company Contractor or Individual Contractor you are required to submit an invoice to accounts@ahtgroup.com.for Advanced Human Technologies, or accounts@bondiinnovation.com.au for Bondi Innovation.
Please ensure that you have the following information on your invoice:
- Name of Individual or Company
- ABN if applicable
- Total hours worked
- Total amount
- GST (if applicable)
- Bank account details
NOTE: Please attach a pdf download of your timesheet with hours worked.
Address your invoice to:
Advanced Human Technologies Pty Ltd
ABN: 68 079 504 886
Bondi Innovation Alliance Pty Ltd
ABN: 86 637 007 642
Here is a sample invoice that you could use to invoice AHT.
Methods of payment
Australia-based team members
Australian-based employees and contractors are paid to the bank account provided on the Onboarding Form.
Note: It is the team member’s responsibility to advise AHT if there are changes to their nominated bank account.
Current Priority Roles
Super-smart content/ process manager for futurist – Part-time
Work on sophisticated content and AI-driven processes Location: Applicants who are available for...
Humans + AI: Content/ Community manager
Create high-value content on AI productivity and engage a sophisticated community Location: Can be...
Meta-Project Manager – Content, Software, Marketing – Part-time
Help scale a range of future-focused ventures Location: Applicants who are available for regular...
Bondi Innovation – events/ community/ partnerships manager – Part-time
Help connect and catalyse the extraordinary entrepreneurial community of Bondi region Location:...
Media outreach/ PR for futurist – TV focus: Part-time
A PR/ media professional to do media outreach for a leading futurist with an established media...
Exceptional blogger/ writer/ editor on the future of sex
Talented blogger who can write in an engaging manner about the intersection of technology and...